Food Service Assistants
High School
Middle School
Dunn School
These jobs are under the Support Service Contract and offer a competitive wage, health insurance, dental insurance, paid leave, and other benefits.
If you are interested in one of these positions, contact Food Service Supervisor, Wendy Ordway at:, or apply online at
Education Technicians (Ed. Tech. II)
Ed. Tech. positions are open in each of our five schools. We are looking for paraprofessionals interested in working with teachers to support teaching and learning for our students. Ed. Techs. earn completive hourly pay, health insurance, dental insurance, paid leave, retirement, and other benefits.
If interested, please apply online at
Other Open Positions:
Long-Term Substitute Mathematics (High School)
Interpreter/Communication Facilitator (High School)
Special Education Teacher (Middle School)
Van/Bus Aides
Coaching Positions
If interested, please apply online at
Applicants must hold a current State of Maine Department of Education Criminal History Records Check prior to employment.
M A I N E S C H O O L A D M I N I S T R A T I V E D I S T R I C T 15
G R A Y - N E W G L O U C E S T E R
1 4 S H A K E R R O A D , G R A Y , M E 0 4 0 3 9
Telephone: 207-657-3335
Fax: 207- 657-2040