RSU 19 - Newport, ME, United States - 12/24/2024
RSU 19 has a Custodian vacancy for the night shift position at the Etna-Dixmont School. Hours are 2:00 pm to 10:30 pm and rate of pay is based on experience. Apply to RSU 19 at: Select More - Employment - Job Openings and apply for t...
RSU 19 - Newport, ME, United States - 12/19/2024
RSU 19 is looking for a Baseball Coach for the B Team at Nokomis Regional Middle School. Apply to RSU 19 at: Click on Menu Scroll down to Employment drop down boxClick Job Openings and apply for the posted position E.O.E.
RSU 19 - Newport, ME, United States - 12/19/2024
RSU 19 Food Service Program has an opening for a Server in the Food Service Program to work at Nokomis Regional High/Middle School For further information contact the Child Nutrition Director, Lorey Duprey, or 355-3613. APPLY TO: ...
RSU 19 - Hartland, ME, United States - 12/13/2024
RSU 19 has a vacancy for a PK - Grade 1 Special Education Teacher at the Somerest Elementary School in Hartland. APPLY TO: Click on Menu Select More - Employment - Job Openings and apply for the posted position RSU 19 266 Williams Ro...
RSU 19 - Newport, ME, United States - 12/12/2024
RSU 19 Food Service Program has an anticipated opening for a Cook to work at Sebasticook Valley Elementary School. This position has benefits and is for 30 hours per week, Monday through Friday. ServeSafe Certified would be helpful and Institution...
RSU 19 - Newport, ME, United States - 12/12/2024
RSU 19 Food Service Program has an anticipated opening for a Cook to work at the Nokomis Regional High/Middle School. This position has benefits and is for 30 hours per week, Monday through Friday. ServeSafe Certified would be helpful and Institut...
RSU 19 - Hartland, ME, United States - 11/29/2024
RSU 19 has an opening at Somerset Elementary for an Ed Tech I, II or III in the Special Education Department. APPLY TO: Click on EMPLOYMENT, Click Job Openings and apply for the posted position. RSU 19 266 Williams Road Newport, ME 0...
RSU 19 - Newport, ME, United States - 11/26/2024
RSU 19 has an opening at Sebasticook Valley Elementary for an Ed Tech I, II or III in the Special Education Department. APPLY TO: Click on EMPLOYMENT, Click Job Openings and apply for the posted position. RSU 19 266 Williams Road New...
RSU 19 - Newport, ME, United States - 11/24/2024
RSU 19 is looking for Assistant Track Coaches at Nokomis Regional Middle School. Apply to RSU 19 at: Click on MenuScroll down to Employment drop down boxClick Job Openings and apply for the posted position E.O.E.
RSU 19 - Etna, ME, United States - 11/21/2024
RSU 19 has a vacancy for a Grade 2 Teacher at the Etna-Dixmont School. APPLY TO: Click on EMPLOYMENT, Click Job Openings and apply for the posted position. RSU 19 266 Williams Road Newport, ME 04953
RSU 19 - Newport, ME, United States - 10/25/2024
RSU 19 is looking for a Girls Lacrosse Varsity Coach at Nokomis Regional High Apply to RSU 19 at: Select Employment - Job Openings and apply for the posted position E.O.E.
RSU 19 - Newport, ME, United States - 10/25/2024
RSU 19 has an opening at Nokomis Regional Middle School for an Ed Tech I, II or III in the Special Education Department. APPLY TO: Click on EMPLOYMENT, Click Job Openings and apply for the posted position. RSU 19 266 Williams Road Ne...
RSU 19 - Newport, ME, United States - 10/22/2024
RSU 19 has an opening District-wide for an Ed Tech I, II or III in the Special Education Department; location to be determined. APPLY TO: Click on EMPLOYMENT, Click Job Openings and apply for the posted position. RSU 19 266 Williams ...
RSU 19 - Newport, ME, United States - 10/22/2024
RSU 19 is looking for Substitute Teachers at all grade levels Pre-K through Grade 12 and including Special Education. Pay rate is $105 daily for BS or higher, and $100 daily for education less than BS. Apply to RSU 19 at: Select More...
RSU 19 - Newport, ME, United States - 10/22/2024
RSU 19 has Bus Driver vacancies. We are willing to assist you in obtaining a bus driving license. APPLY TO: Select More - Employment - Job Openings and apply for the posted position RSU 19 266 Williams Road Newport, ME 04953
RSU 19 - Newport, ME, United States - 10/22/2024
RSU 19 has openings at Nokomis for an Ed Tech I, II or III in the Special Education Department. APPLY TO: Click on EMPLOYMENT, Click Job Openings and apply for the posted position. RSU 19 266 Williams Road Newport, ME 04953
RSU 19 - Newport, ME, United States - 10/22/2024
RSU 19 is in need of Substitute Bus Drivers. We are willing to assist you in obtaining a bus driving license. APPLY TO: Select More - Employment - Job Openings and apply for the posted position RSU 19 266 Williams Road Newport, ME 04953
RSU 19 - Hartland, ME, United States - 10/22/2024
RSU 19 has a vacancy at Somerset Elementary School for an Ed Tech I, II or III in Regular Education with the PK classroom. APPLY TO: Click on EMPLOYMENT, Click Job Openings and apply for the posted position. RSU 19 266 Williams Road ...
RSU 19 - Newport, ME, United States - 10/22/2024
RSU 19 has Custodian vacancies for night shift positions at Nokomis Regional High / Middle School. Hours are 2:00 PM - 10:30 PM and rate of pay is based on experience. Apply to RSU 19 at: Select More - Employment - Job Openings and a...
RSU 19 - Newport, ME, United States - 8/22/2024
The RSU 19 Food Service Dept is looking for substitute kitchen workers for all schools. Some calls will be planned in advance as much as possible with some calls being the morning of the day in need. APPLY TO: Click on Menu Select Mo...